Saturday, November 20, 2010

Books: Sh*t My Dad Says

I read an article about Sh*t My Dad Says, requested it from the library and then promptly forgot about it for about 4 months. Last week, after I finally made my way through the very long waiting list, I couldn't really remember why I wanted to read the book but still went and picked it up.

I finished it in about an hour and a half--a particularly annoying hour and a half for Henry and his roommate, who never seemed to get used to me bursting into laughter every couple of minutes. This book is a quick read and doesn't have a very continuous plot to pull you in, but it is funny! The structure of the book is largely based around the author telling stories of times when his father shared some politically incorrect but valuable and entertaining wisdom, with each story followed by a few pages of funny quotes and advice. If you remember that this book was inspired by a Twitter feed set up to record the author's father's (mostly profane) one-liners of wisdom, you will be prepared to accept the book as it is. I would also recommend having a thick skin, as the author's dad is far from politically correct or gentlemanly.

A few of my favorites, so you'll know what you're getting yourself into:

He was a good dog. Your brother is pretty broken up about it, so go easy on him. He had a nice last moment with Brownie before the vet tossed him in the garbage.


What happened? Did somebody punch you in the face?!... The what? The air is dry? Do me a favor and tell people you got punched in the face.
Pick your furniture like you pick a wife: It should make you feel comfortable and look nice, but not so nice that if someone walks past it they want to steal it.

I would recommend borrowing this book from the library to brighten your day a little bit. As long as you're not looking for something heavy and important and are willing to not take the book too seriously, this will make you laugh and be worth the time. It's short, entertaining, and a great way to get in some laughter!

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