Monday, May 31, 2010

Getting things into gear

I didn't intend a pun with my title but it almost works out. This weekend, with the little bit of extra time, I managed to finally get working on some of my goals--like actually learning how to work on my car! After years of bribing and paying people to work on my car, I decided it was time to learn how to do some of the basics myself. (This may have been motivated in part by the dealership informing me that it was $400 to do maintenance that basically was an oil change and two air filter changes.) And, with only a few people helping, supervising and laughing at me, I actually changed my own oil (mostly), filled all the fluids I was low on, checked my tire pressure, and changed one of the two air filters. (I would have changed both, but one of Henry's well-meaning friends came over and started pitching in to help fix things before he figured out this was supposed to be teaching time!) Little and easy as all those fixes were, I was still pretty proud of myself when I got done.

Adding to that, I weeded my garden and figured out that everything except the asparagus and the strawberries is growing pretty darn well! The asparagus never came up and the rabbits ate my strawberry plants for a snack before I got my fence up, but I can replant both of those next year. In the meantime, I'll have some good vegetables in a month or two, and maybe even a small raspberry crop in the fall.

To top it off, I successfully made some of my recipes from my cooking class. Apparently with a little extra sleep, motivation and relaxation, I gained at least a little bit of skill. Now, I just hope that will continue for the future! I was getting tired of screwing up all my new recipes.

This seems like a good start heading into June, when I'll be starting a couple new art classes, continuing my gardening and hopefully enjoying every bit of the summer!

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