So this weekend, my biggest adventure has really been continuing a project I started a few months ago--re-reading the Wheel of Time books
It's going to take a long time. The books (all 13 of them) are each around 800-1000 pages, with a pretty intricate plot. But, if you have any inclinations towards being a fantasy fiction nerd like I am, it is entirely worth it. The characterization is fantastic, and the plot (while very involved and complicated) keeps you turning the pages. All in all, this series is a whole world and compelling story that will probably be occupying my spare time for the next few months. As inspiration, I have the newest book sitting on a bookshelf in the kitchen so that I can walk by it every day and remind myself that there's all new material in the story that I have yet to find out.
On an entirely different note, I did try a recipe experiment that I was extremely unsure of but that I liked a lot more than I expected. The ingredients in this recipe for Cuban bowls sounded strange together and I wasn't sure that I would enjoy them, but since I have yet to make a recipe from I'm Losing It that I don't like, I thought it was worth a try. I used both avacados and fried bananas, made my own Cuban-style black beans and am glad that I tried it! It's a great easy vegetarian recipe--it took me awhile since I made my own beans, but if you used canned beans it would definitely be a quick and easy option.
This post ended up being a bit of a hodge-podge of ideas, but I guess that's been my long weekend! Now the countdown to Christmas begins!