We decided bored Boris was hazardous to our physical and mental health.
He is now confined to the kitchen as much as we can keep him in there while we're ast work (he's quite the escape artist) and we've been doing a lot of research on how to make our prima donna dog less bored when he throws a fit about being kept awake during normal human hours. Most of the ideas we found required much more determined, tough and energetic dogs. Ones who like to play in the snow, don't give up chasing their toys after about 3 minutes and aren't so busy sulking that they refuse to eat or drink until you come back. But, a few sounded promising and, after testing them out, I'm pleased to report that Boris is not quite as stupid as we previously thought. (Ok, fine...Steamboat Willie had faith that he would pass. But I was extremely surprised that he didn't respond as well to "Dishwasher" as he does to his name.)
Our first experiment was filling an empty water bottle with some treats and food and waiting for him to figure out how to get it out. Yesterday, all that resulted in was him smelling the bottle and then going to finally eat his food out of his dish. But today, after about 20 minutes of me alternately shaking the bottle of food at him and grabbing his paw to make him move it, it finally dawned on him. If he moved it around enough, the food came out. Then came Boris' true, very food-motivated personality, and he spent the next hour chasing, pawing, chewing and carrying the bottle around. After a little while, he even figured out that the food came out better if he threw the bottle down the stairs. Turns out sometimes, he's much smarter than I thought!
It took him most of the night, but he finally got the food out. It took him much less time to clean the peanut butter out of the Kong toy
we got him. And best of all...after that, he fell right asleep and with any luck, he'll leave the shower curtain...and his tail...and the blankets all alone tonight!
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