Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pictures from Puerto Vallarta

Home from Mexico and I've downloaded my pictures--ones I take out the blurry ones and the repeats, I come up with around 400 photos. Henry keeps encouraging me to take up photography more seriously, learning more about the manual settings and how things work and finding some better equipment (even though I like my point-and-click cameras!) and sometimes I wonder whether it would be a helpful or horrible hobby. I might be able to take fewer pictures, when I look at the number of times I had to take one particular pictures sometimes to get the effect I wanted. Or, I might just go crazy and end up coming home with thousands of pictures...

At any rate, here are a few of my favorites!

This is the view from the balcony of the resort we stayed at.

This is the actual city of Puerto Vallarta as seen from the boardwalk. We stayed in Nuevo Vallarta, which is about a 20 minute cab ride away, but finally went to Puerto Vallarta on Tuesday and Thursday.

Most of our days we spent up in the Sierra Madre Mountains, which look pretty much like this.

Our snorkeling tour went to the Marietas Islands, which is a bird santuary. No one can set foot on the island, but we went snorkeling in the bay here.

The Botanical Gardens up in the mountains was one of my favorite activities (even though we got lost for awhile on the bus and ended up taking a long detour...) and most of my photos are from here.

There was also a great little swimming hole at the Botanical Gardens--unfortunately I didn't know to bring my swimsuit, but I at least went wading! I think this may also be where most of my annoying bug bites are from.

Sadly, on our whale watching tour I didn't get a lot of great pictures--most of them look pretty much like this. Henry was lucky enough to have his camera out during the outdoor adventure and got a great picture of the whale breaching on the way back, which puts this to shame.

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