Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February Mini-Goals Wrap Up

For a broad overview of this month: I did ok. I didn't cross everything off my list of goals, but I did accomplish some things (and generally they were the most important and time sensitive things).

  1. Maintain my current weight: Well...Henry's birthday was yesterday. Before all the birthday celebrations started I was back to my current weight, but as of this morning I most definitely was not. With a lot of water and some walking, I think I have a good chance of making it back there!
  2. Stay caught up with homework: Done. Thank goodness, this month was easier and less time consuming, so I am comfortably caught up and hope to remain so.
  3. Make a trip to the recycling center/Goodwill: This didn't happen. I'm hoping to convince Henry to tell me what I can take soon so I can take this trip in March, rather than continuing to haul all my stuff for the recycling center in my trunk.
  4. List all the TV shows from my brother: Done. I shipped out quite a few of them, and the last two days are the first since I listed them that I haven't had outstanding orders that I should be shipping. There's still quite a box full, though. I also shipped a few things out for Henry, and I hope to keep working on that!
  5. Cross one more thing off my list: Done, finally! I threw a nerdy board game party for Henry's birthday, which I am fully counting towards my "throw a nerdy board game party" item.
  6. Pull off a good birthday celebration for Henry: I win. Not only did he like all of his gifts, I successfully through him a surprise party and took him out for dinner as well.
  7. Get rid of one large box of my stuff: Pretty much done. I got rid of one medium-large box of stuff (to the trash), and set aside enough to fill the rest of that large box in items to go to Goodwill. I will keep working on this!!
  8. Stick to my budget: Done. I transferred $850 into my savings account on top of my tax refunds, which is making things look quite nice. 

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