Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Boris' Christmas Adventures

My dog hates snow, ice and anything involving the cold. His usual reaction to being outside between October and April is to hobble around on three legs, while holding the other one up as high as possible to convince us that his leg is broken and we need to carry him in. This starts when the weather hits around 45 degrees and continues until it's back up to 70.

Being the sympathetic dog owner that I am, my response this Christmas was to take him to my parents' house, where there is an extra few feet of snow and a whole family full of people who think it's funny to watch his dramatic show. Imagine my surprise, then, to see my drama queen of a dog take off after a squirrel and suddenly realize that snow is fun.

So congratulations to Boris on his Christmas adventure...and becoming a little bit less of a wimp. Next, we'll try to conquer water!

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